Somewhere in the future, your older self is watching you through memories.

Somewhere in the future,

your older self is watching you through memories.

Somewhere in the future, your older self

is watching you through memories.

Do you think it's with regret or nostalgia?

Do you think it's with

regret or nostalgia?

Watch this short video to get a clearer picture of what this is all about.

You can also skip ahead and instantly get free access to the book I wrote around this topic by signing up with your email.

After watching it you'll 100% want to sign up, it's pretty wild what's going on.

Imagine your life is like a video game. For the first 25 years, this video game is carefully designed and thought out.
There are clear milestones and achievements, from your first steps to graduating from university or college.

But once you pass 25, the game mechanics change drastically. It feels like the designers of the game got tired or simply forgot about us.

The clear paths and instructions disappear and we are suddenly left to our own devices.

The thing that's so interesting about being alive is that you're all in, no matter what you do, you're all in - this is going to kill you.
So I think you might as well play the most magnificent game you can while you're waiting because.. 

well, do you have anything better to do?

More and more college graduates are not able to find a job and start applying for minimum wage positions of companies not being able to pay competitive salaries.

The American Dream has never been harder to accomplish, especially by pursuing the classical and “safe” route of getting a degree to start your 9-5 grind.

Your generation has been set up for failure.

Our system, our matrix, our society, whatever you want to call it, is a good servant, but not a good master.

There is a piece of advice given to us by the ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle or Plato, by the Jews in the Old Testament, and by the great Christian teachers of the Middle Ages, which the modern economic system has completely disregarded.

All these people told us not to lend money at interest; and lending money at interest - what we call investment - is the basis of our whole system.

Additionally, we even started putting institutions in debt, connecting self-worth to achievements and spreading that message with algorithms programmed by the smartest thinkers of our planet, supported by billions of dollars.

What could go wrong?

We get a sense that all this seems important.

Instead the single most important thing are your actions because they are the only thing you actually have control over.

So the question becomes: what struggle or sacrifice are you willing to endure? 

Times have changed and it’s frustrating to navigate life, I get it.

I'll explain why it's not your fault but at the same time your responsibility to deal with that weight on your shoulders in the video and my book below.

Once your horizon widens, it can't go back into old dimensions.
However, you first have to be able to see the possibilities and I want to take your hand and lead the way.

I will never send out an email I wouldn't want to receive myself… and there are a bunch that meet this criteria, let me assure you.

So go ahead, you can unsubscribe at any time, but I'm 100% certain you'll find it valuable.

I prepared an incredibly detailed directory you can simply follow along within the first mails to help you get started.

What you'll get:

  • An accurate assessment of our current world order

  • Mindblowing & proven studies to fight anxiety and depression

  • Practical ways to make your own mind your friend

  • A guide to finding direction in life

  • 5 hard truths we have to swallow

  • Complete support on how to get started within the first mails

  • A new perspective on the future of careers

  • Never heard before strategies to find fulfillment

& more!

Book cover of eBook named Ascend - Gracefull rising to your true potential
Book cover of eBook named Ascend - Gracefull rising to your true potential
Book cover of eBook named Ascend - Gracefull rising to your true potential

Our life consists of a little less than 5000 weeks when things are going well.

Now, this reminder can cause a bunch of reactions inside of you right now:

  1. You fall into existential fear and nihilism.

  2. You become grateful for life.

  3. You wonder what the f**k I'm talking about.

The thing is, it's pretty much irrelevant what your immediate reaction is.

What matters is, what you do with this information now.

One could say, okay everything is pointless anyway, why not live hedonistically and avoid struggle?

Most people actually live that way, even without realizing the finitude of life…

which makes it even more sad in some regards.

Something feeds on our soul day in and day out. We die countless deaths in our lives that we don't perceive as such.

The death you die at 93 is only the final one.

There is a last time for everything you do.

Think of the last time you went camping under the stars or brought flowers to your mother.

These parts of you could already be dead. Then the question is how many deaths a human body can endure.

Maybe you want to recapture some of them and still do these things later in life or bring children into the world. The ice cream cone tastes so much better when you give it to your child.

For you, it's just an ice cream cone.

With every special thing you do, you will never have the certainty that it wasn't the last time you did it.

Model with cap sitting in landscape
Model with cap sitting in landscape

And I want to show you how you can chill as hard as I do.

Just kidding lol. Well, sort of - hear me out!

The common feeling that your life hasn't begun, that your present reality is a mere prelude to some idyllic future is called:

'Deferred Happiness Syndrome'

This idyll is a mirage that'll fade as you approach, revealing that the prelude you rushed through was in fact the one to your death.

It’s the sense of “My Life isn’t bad but something's not quite right” and you can’t pinpoint to what it is. 

Maybe you are telling yourself:

“Hey, this job I got is enjoyable and I got nice colleagues, a partner, and I can pay my rent.

What do I have to complain about?”

Let me tell you, our brain seeks comfort - our body does not.

Don’t be tricked by your bodily signals into oblivious lethargy. 

Sadness comes from a lack of options. —Which is why it feels like hopelessness.

Anxiety comes from many options but a lack of priorities. —Which is why it feels like paralysis.

You are not your thoughts.

The voice that speaks in your head is not you.

You are the one who hears it speak.

Don’t identify with what your mind says any more than you identify with what someone on the street says.

The common feeling that your life hasn't begun, that your present reality is a mere prelude to some idyllic future is called:

'Deferred Happiness Syndrome'

This idyll is a mirage that'll fade as you approach, revealing that the prelude you rushed through was in fact the one to your death.

It’s the sense of “My Life isn’t bad but something's not quite right” and you can’t pinpoint to what it is. 

Maybe you are telling yourself:

“Hey, this job I got is enjoyable and I got nice colleagues, a partner, and I can pay my rent.

What do I have to complain about?”

Let me tell you, our brain seeks comfort - our body does not.

Don’t be tricked by your bodily signals into oblivious lethargy. 

Sadness comes from a lack of options.

—Which is why it feels like hopelessness.

Anxiety comes from many options but a lack of priorities.

Which is why it feels like paralysis.

You are not your thoughts.

The voice that speaks in your head is not you.

You are the one who hears it speak.

Don’t identify with what your mind says any more than you identify with what someone on the street says.

Cozy cafe in brown and beige tones
Cozy cafe in brown and beige tones
Digital Nomad working in Cafe
Digital Nomad working in Cafe
Digital Nomad working in Cafe

Topic Happiness:

Extremely overtalked without any real substance. Everyone has differing opinions, where do you even start?





Creative Freedom

Family & Friends

Let this sink in for a moment:

You have already achieved some of the stuff you thought would make you happy. 

What makes you think the next thing is going to be the final thing?

Desire is a contract we make with ourselves to be unhappy until we get what we want. 

Even if you manage to tick off every item on your 'perfect' to-do list, maintaining that “optimal” status quo—a feat over which you may not even have full command—is an ongoing challenge. 

Strikingly, the allure of new aspirations is just as potent as the initial ones, a perpetual cycle of desire. We will never stop chasing, wishing and hoping for the next thing.

It’s in our nature to fall back into anxiety and dissatisfaction because those emotions fuel us.

What is presented as success in society is influenced by groupthink and therefore dependent on trends.

This is wrong. 

There are two kinds of people: Those who are lost and the others who are lost as well, but are aware of it. 

Our system, our matrix, our society, whatever you want to call it, is a good servant, but not a good master.

You should want to give back because that is the only right thing to do to improve yourself and the lives of others.

And I want to show you how you can achieve just that - creating a meaningful life.

Everything involves sacrifice.
Everything involves some kind of cost.
Nothing is enjoyable or uplifting all the time. 

So the question is: what struggle or sacrifice are you willing to endure? 

Ultimately, how we handle the rough times and get through the inevitable bad days depends on our ability to stick with a cause we care about.

Blindly following your desires makes you a slave to your impulses, a slave to the assumptions of those around you, the advertisements you're exposed to and the confused chemical signals of your body. 

If we don't pause and ask ourselves what we want to want we will spend our lives focused on unhealthy aims defined for us by others. We will pass these bad assumptions about life onto our children and loved ones. 

We will reinforce these boring, desperate defaults in everyone we encounter. 

To achieve freedom we must be able to think for ourselves.

If we don't cut to the core and program our wants then our best-case scenario is to be a rich, successful or famous slave. 

If we never peer into our programming then we may end up being the cleverest rat in the room but that's hardly worth it.

You’re probably here to change aspects of your life, to ask deep questions and develop the courage to answer truthfully.

Or you missclicked some link, well, either way: I appreciate you showing up here!

I think the highest ideal we can pursue is truth.

Don’t get me wrong I have no monopoly on truth of course. I think there are people who are lost, and there are people who are lost and know it.

The latter category is just actively trying to find a way while the others are just floating around.

If we don't cut to the core and program our wants then our best-case scenario is to be a rich, successful or famous slave. 

If we never peer into our programming then we may end up being the cleverest rat in the room but that's hardly worth it.

You’re probably here to change aspects of your life, to ask deep questions and develop the courage to answer truthfully.

Or you missclicked some link, well, either way: I appreciate you showing up here!

I think the highest ideal we can pursue is truth.

Don't get me wrong, I have no monopoly on truth of course. I think there are people who are lost, and there are people who are lost and know it.

The latter category is just actively trying to find a way while the others are just floating around.


Working with Robin was a game-changer for me. Their empathetic approach and genuine understanding created a safe space for me to open up. Robin really knows how to listen, providing profound advice that resonated deeply with my situation. It was the guidance I needed to make meaningful changes in my life.

Alex T.

From our very first session, Robin's nurturing way of connecting made me feel incredibly welcome and understood. There's a warmth and sincerity in how they engage that melts away any initial apprehensions, allowing for a truly enriching experience. The insights and advice I received were not only helpful but genuinely transformative.

Sam R.

I was initially skeptical about what I could gain from our sessions, but the website convinced me Robin knew what I was going through. Not being able to get a job, properly caring for myself and finding hope felt like an endless drag. His ability to pinpoint the crux of what I was feeling and offer not just sympathy but actionable advice was remarkable. I left each session feeling lighter and more equipped to tackle my challenges. Robin isn’t just a coach; he's a true ally in personal growth.


His patience and deep listening skills made me feel heard in a way I hadn't experienced before. The personalized advice and encouragement I received helped me to navigate through a tough phase in my life. I'm grateful for this!

Giuseppe L.

Could imagine myself taking a stroll around some bars with Robin even though he doesn't drink, (we'll se about that). He's just a chill dude trying his best to give valuable advice and some of the stuff is definitely applicable to my situation.

I know this is just a random website, you don't know me at all.

It's here to generate clicks, to collect emails, to spread the word.

I get it.

You probably have your group of people.

But let me assure you, I want to be one of those people.

I want you to know that I care, that I don't want anything from you, but conscientiously want to give back. 

Your well-being is of immense importance to me, because our future depends on it.

If you're having a terrible day, I want to be the person you reach out to.

That's why I got to keep the circle small. If something urgent comes up, shoot me an email anyways!

One thing is for sure:

At the end of your life at your funeral, people talk, reminisce and cherish moments.

They'll remember the moments where you had a positive impact on the people closets to you.

No one cares how hard you worked, what's on your CV or how old you were when you made your first million.

These are negligible metrics by which we judge our lives, only to realize that it's too late and you have no power to change anything.

The only judge who has a complete overview of our lives dies with us.

A reminder of the heavy weight we put on the things that matter little.

After all the talk at your funeral, all the loved ones then go back to their own problems, worrying about their appearance and wondering why they just had that extra piece of cake.

This is what you lived for?

For recognition?

The noblest things to pursue are truth and virtue, whatever that may look like to you.

I want to teach you to become stubborn in your vision and flexible in the details.

Send me an email if you have any questions or scroll further to the FAQ section.

I guarantee that you will gain a new perspective after just one call.

In fact, if you feel that you did not learn anything new that benefits your current situation, we offer a refund.

Since the 1990s, a disturbing trend has emerged: happiness levels across countries have been on a decline, despite advances in technology and communication. 

This isn't just a statistic; it's a reflection of a society grappling with isolation, overwork, and a gnawing sense of uncertainty.

Happiness consists of three main parameters:

1. Satisfaction - achieving a goal after having struggled

2. Pleasure - hedonistic tendencies that rely on the limbic system of our brain

3. Meaning - the reason you do something and from which you derive motivation

Meaning are the proteins, they are necessary.

Satisfaction and pleasure can be played with, they are the fats and carbohydrates.

Without meaning in your life you'll develop anxiety. 

A state of fear seemingly creeping up on you without a clear root cause. It's just omnipresent and you don't know why.

Trying to 'be happy' is a flawed pursuit—it's a status plagued by impermanence and, frankly, an illusion.

'Happierness' is the journey—choosing happiness in moments, striving to be happier over time, not setting it as your ultimate destination.

The key?

Meta-cognition. Steer your life with your cortex, not just your limbic system. Emotions are data—analyze them without bias.

I'm here to guide you through this maze. My eBook isn't just words; it's a compass for those lost, seeking direction in the chaos of modern life.

And it’s completely free - an actual no-brainer.

Let's redefine success together. Not by societal standards, but by what truly brings us fulfillment and peace.

You have to ask yourself: do you even want help or advice or do you just want to talk? 

If I give advice and it goes wrong, you can blame me.

If it works, you can do the same.

You can shift responsibility onto me, which is why I let you uncover the truth yourself by asking specific questions.

It's about approaching the session in the right way and not everyone is ready to accept help. 

Some people are comfortable limiting themselves and identifying as a victim of a situation because you are abdicating responsibility.

And that’s understandable because you haven’t been properly prepared to tackle the problems you’ll come across in your twenties.

It’s the defining decade of your life because you answer 85% of important questions before you turn 35.

Also be aware that some people you are close to may not want the best for you.

As soon as you move in positive directions, a mirror is automatically held up to them as to why they are not doing it


Society wants to keep you down because everyone cheers you on until you're better off than them. 

Then they boo you. 

And at the end of the day:

Your problems are not unique. Everyone has one form or another.

It's about our search for love. To love ourselves and to be loved. 

Believe me, you are lovable and I will prove it to you.


What exactly does your coaching service offer?

How long does a typical coaching session last?

Can I book more than one session at a time?

What should I prepare for our first session?

Is there a cancellation policy?

How do I know if your coaching is right for me?

Do you offer any resources or tools beyond the coaching sessions?

How can I track my progress throughout the coaching process?

About Us

My name is Robin, I'm 25 years old and from Frankfurt, Germany, currently living in Lisbon, Portugal. I have skipped university after graduating high school to immediately start my own ventures with the goal to make some cash and retire in my 20s. Well, as it turns out, that's quite hard to do, even with friends and accountability partners. Multiple mental breakdowns, periods of uncertainty, and occasional celebrations later… here I am. The struggles over the last 8 years led me exactly to this point in time and to you reading this & I'm incredibly thankful for the journey.

I have optimized my life to achieve freedom and independence while working on stuff that matters deeply to me, like personal projects, friends & family, seeing the world and experiencing novelty. You don't know me personally (yet), but let me tell you: I'm passionately curious and eager to learn new stuff, so as you can imagine, I've gathered some useful insights by reading over a thousand books, listening to podcasts every day, and using YouTube for educational purposes, except for some unusual memes compilations or PewDiePie from time to time. Oh and of course, by making endless amounts of mistakes and errors. The best teacher is experience after all. As Fanny Choi fittingly said:

"Lord, I confess I want the clarity of catastrophe but not the catastrophe.
Like everyone else, I want a storm I can dance in.
I want an excuse to change my life."

The thing is, you have to experience the catastrophe to value the change that comes afterwards. There is a profound insight here, namely that the good things in life only make sense in relation to the bad things.

Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard said that when everything becomes simpler and simpler in the world, there is only a lack of shortcomings. And we orient our lives to what's scarce. If you win every competition you enter, it is no longer fun. You also have to have the opportunity to lose. If all your experiences are positive, they become no longer positive, you need a negative. I'm insanely grateful I've cultivated a mindset that is able to find comfort in discomfort and want to give back my knowledge to the world.

Throughout the first 25 years, this video game called "Life" is carefully designed and thought out. There are clear milestones and achievements, from your first steps to graduating from university or college. It feels like you're constantly moving up and progressing. It's as if you reach a new level every year, and we are intoxicated by the feeling of progress and achievement. But once you pass the age of 25, the game mechanics change drastically. It feels like the designers of the game got tired or simply forgot about us. The clear paths and instructions disappear, and we are suddenly left to our own devices. Without our own initiative, the only "successes" or milestones life offers us from then on are tragic ones - like the funerals of loved ones. Where are the rewarding moments? Why are there no more new levels?

The effects of this "ill-conceived game" are serious. The feeling that time is passing faster and faster is something many people over 25 have. The days blur, and without clear milestones or chapters, it feels like we're lost in an endless, monotonous book with no ending. In the first 25 years, you measure your success by your grades, only to realize that the real value lies in learning and critical thinking. In the second 25 years, you measure your success by how much money you've made, only to realize that what matters most is how and with whom you spend your time.

The traditional path set by society can keep us trapped in a bubble of ignorance. The constant preoccupation with everyday things allows life to pass us by unnoticed. We are alive, but are we really awake? Instead of listening deeply to what we really want and what principles we want to live by, we conform to social norms and habits. The pressure to conform and constantly perform can be overwhelming. And while we cling to these roles, we may miss the real moments of life. It's as if we are living in a prison of our own making.

Let me help you escape from that prison

Click below to get your free eBook and enter a new era.